Renae Vaughn

My name is Renae Vaughn, and I’m excited to be teaching 6th Grade Science at Oneida Middle School! I’m married to Travis Vaughn and we have six children, Jeremy, Sierra, Reilly, Katelyn, Dylan, & Luke along with our boxer Roxy.
Associate of Science - Elementary Education '99 Roane State Community College in Harriman, TN
Bachelor of Science - Multidisciplinary Studies 1-8 '01 Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, TN
Master of Arts - Instructional Leadership '03 Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, TN
I have over 12 years of experience in the field of education. Throughout my career, I have taught 6th - 8th Grade Math & Science, Algebra, and Geometry.
Parent(s) + Student + Teacher working together = SUCCESSFUL YEAR
I can be reached at (423)569-2468 or via email at:
Join my REMIND: @6rvaughn