
Topic 1 The Early Americans and European Exploration (Prehistory to 1700)

This chapter focuses on European exploration from the "Old World" into the unknown "New World". We document the discoveries of Columbus, Spanish expeditions, and the visions of Europeans in a quest to find a faster trade route to Asia.

Europeans sailing the Atlantic.

Topic 2 European Colonization of North America (1500-1750)

As Europeans begin to make permanent settlements in the New World...government structures, religion, borders, and cultures begin to emerge and evolve.

European Colonization

Topic 3 The Revolutionary Era (1750-1783)

The American Culture evolves to the point of resistance, insurrection, and eventually revolution. The British colonies begin a struggle to claim identity and independence.

Battle of Trenton

Topic 4 A Constitution of the United States (1776-Present day)

After the struggles of the American Revolutionary War, Americans begin the process of regroup, rebuild, and restructure. What type of government will run this new country? Is this state led or federal led power? What is the name of our new leader? What will house the law of the land? So many questions to answer and little time before another disaster strikes...


Topic 5 The Early Republic (1789-1825)

Now we have our governmental structure established (so we think), we have to set up rules and regulations to run this burgeoning nation. Are there any issues not addressed? Have we forgotten something...or people?

President Washington

Topic 6 The Age of Jackson and Westward Expansion (1824-1860)

With new men assuming the office of president, we begin to see the emergence of conflicts of ideas and dreams for the nation. As this conflict gains traction, the emergence of different views translates into political parties. The nation struggles with the very concepts it pre-determined in every venue down to the meaning of justice and "all men are created equal". This comes at a time for unprecedented opportunity to realize the dream of Manifest Destiny.

Manifest Destiny

Topic 7 Society and Culture Before the Civil War (1820-1860)

America develops as time moves on. Unfortunately, it is not a unified growth. Economic differences are spurred by the means to achieve wealth. The North uses immigrants and industrialization to gain wealth, while the South used the age-old tradition of slavery to gain theirs. The West is booming while both North and South struggle to spread their influence on this new regional growth of the nation. Sectionalism rears its ugly head and creates a division like the country has never seen before or since.


Topic 8 Sectionalism and Civil War (1820-1865)

As political and economic differences further divide the nation. It becomes inevitable that a clash of ideas will lead to warfare. Will an industrialized North prevail or an agricultural South? Abraham Lincoln comes into office just in time to see the nation divide. How can this be resolved without total slaughter of "our brothers"?

Civil War

Topic 9 The Reconstruction Era (1865-1877)

With the end of the American Civil War, we begin the arduous task of rebuild once more. A nearly crippled South is put under oppression while Northern states call for justice. Abraham Lincoln invokes a strategy to not only reinstitute the Southern states, but to do it gracefully. Before he can put his plan into action, he is assassinated. How will the Vice-President respond? Will America ever truly be united again?

Freemens Bureau

American flag